Buy now Basketball predictions

Those paid basketball predictions are provided by one of the best basket tipsters and handicappers.
Every prediction has very good chance to win (more than 75%).

Important - predictions rules:

Handicap and Over/Under predictions are only for regular game time (OT-OverTime IS NOT included !)

1/2 (home win/away win) predictions are for ALL game time - normal + OverTime (if any)

Available predictions:

Start: 19 04 2024, 18:00 +1 GMT
Game: Baskonia - Virtus Bologna
League: Europe , Euroleague
Prediction: 1
Type of prediction: Home/Away style
Price: 79 $
Result: 89:77
Verdict: WIN

Start: 22 03 2024, 19:00 +1 GMT
Game: Crvena zvezda - Virtus Bologna
League: Europe , Euroleague
Prediction: 1
Type of prediction: Home/Away style
Price: 79 $
Result: 94:79
Verdict: WIN

Start: 22 03 2024, 20:30 +1 GMT
Game: Belfius Mons - Circus Brussels
League: Europe , Bnxt League
Prediction: 1
Type of prediction: Home/Away style
Price: 79 $
Result: 78:72
Verdict: WIN

Start: 22 03 2024, 20:30 +1 GMT
Game: Olimpia Milano - Fenerbahce
League: Europe , Euroleague
Prediction: 2
Type of prediction: Home/Away style
Price: 79 $
Result: 77:76
Verdict: LOSE

PackagePriceDiscount Paypal / VISA
2 basketball predictions139 $12 %
4 basketball predictions239 $24 %